Monday 11 September 2017

Boxing Day Holiday - NSW Government Considers 'Gone' - Sydney Alliance

Christmas holidays may be halved if NSW legislates  a trading day  from a trade-free day on Boxing Day, 26th December of each (or its equivalent).

That means the rest day put aside as an additional Christmas Festive season day, may be gone if trading is allowed and stores are opened. Employees and Managers will need to work extra day, given them less time with families, friends, rest and relaxation. Not to mention the families of small businesses that trade on same day, that will miss out on well deserved rest and relaxation with families and friends at well.

I understand it may be good for the industry to open doors but how good is the real question? Why push for money spending in the Christmas Festive  season, when most people have exhausted their  spending prior to Christmas?

Personally, people need more time to spend quality time with families and friends as each day comes and goes so fast. Before you know it: 1 minute is finishes, an hour is finished and a day is past. If you are interest to protect the Boxing Day holiday sign this online petition. So here is a request from  David Barrow, Sydney Alliance to protect the Boxing Day Holiday for all:

Image result for sydney alliance logo
Boxing Day is at serious risk, and we need your help to protect it.

There is a pattern emerging in Australia, that will see us losing more family time together.

First, trading is deregulated on public holidays, so everyone has to work.
Then, penalty rates are removed, so people aren't fairly paid for the special time they are missing.

Workers deserve to be able to spend the Christmas period with family and friends. Join us in
calling for December 26th to remain trading free. 
The NSW Treasurer is about to introduce legislation that will officially allow stores to open their doors on Boxing Day. We’re not sure exactly when, but it’s coming. And soon.
Once the legislation is introduced, it needs to pass through Parliament. That means that if we get enough of our politicians on board, we can still protect Boxing Day. But we need to move fast. Will you help us by adding your name to our letter to MPs?



Click here for Sydney Alliance website

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