Wednesday 11 June 2014

Let the Community Tell Us What Could Be Our Logo!

I have been gifted with being provided 3 beautiful designs a young graphic artist, Alex Townsend. I have kept these designs for a few weeks now as I am in a dilemma as to which one to use. Each design reflects specific parts of Mount Druitt an he has taken great thought and time to create them. Please provide feedback placing comments or send an e-mail to: .

'A' - This represents a modern texture, with warmth and a great outside feeling. It shows mobility - required in the community and makes myself want to catch this bus.

'B' - This one is simply simple, reflecting the curves
of live s that people have and the straight long
'M' that means more journeys of' life's up and 

'C' - This one  reflects the modern shops, public amenities and  transport around while there are street buskers playing their music, entertaining us - with the heart of Mount Druitt, appearing to be pumping. It also shows that people of Mount Druitt are the heart of the community!

These thoughts from Alex himself, they are from myself. I would like to say that knowing Alex personally, it brings myself great pride in showing them as he has put a lot of creative thought that you can see you and I could not have thought of.

As a community, let us know  which one you would like to see as the background on the website and as a Logo!

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