Sunday 2 September 2018

Under Catering Of Transport Services - Mount Druitt Suburbs - Whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page

Ron, one of our regular Face Book Group Members always has something to share within our community and this time it is the  Under Servicing/ Catering of Tranpsort Services within Mount Druitt suburbs. Let us know how you feel? Here it is:

"The problems I find with Mount Druitt and many adjoining suburbs is the under catering of transport needs. Mount Druitt I notice has a very large birth rate and yet provisions for such is under provided and mix that with an aging community with walk assisting appliances and/or with shopping trolleys . Prams, strollers, walking frames trolleys all deserve and require public transport but we are very much under supply, to the point often bus drivers trying to be helpful and caring will disregard safety regulations and allow over loading of passengers with these special needs to which is very kind until an accident may occur and the driver is in a lot of trouble and passengers maybe hurt and void of rightful compensations all because of a good kind thoughtful driver . The first answer is more buses needed and frequencies in the time tables. The state government is paying for these trips and any monies collected by the bus companies goes back to the government in full."

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