Friday 2 February 2018

Blacktown City Council - Media Release - Dob In A Vandal.....

Media release

2 February, 2018

Blacktown City Council is taking a hard-line approach to vandalism, offering cash rewards aimed at tackling the crime that is disfiguring its streets and buildings.
Mayor of Blacktown City Councillor Stephen Bali MP said Council will pay up to $2,500 for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of a vandal.
“The community is fed up with their streets being defaced by senseless vandals who think they can operate above the law,” Mayor Bali said.
“Graffiti is not a victimless crime: it makes people feel unsafe and eats away at the pride people have for their towns and suburbs.
“This is simply not on and I am putting graffiti vandals on notice: we have you in our sights and the community, police and business are right behind us.”
Mayor Bali urged locals to ‘dob in a vandal’ and help keep their neighbourhood clean.
“Graffiti removal and prevention costs Council $1.6 million every year,” Mayor Bali said.
“Council is spending more money than ever before to keep our city clean, but we need the community’s help.
“That’s why we are offering this generous incentive to encourage residents to join Council in the fight against vandalism.”
Mayor Bali said Council will pay community members a reward, from $500 up to $2500, when information they provide leads to the conviction of an offender who has damaged Council property. 
“Council-owned property includes community centres, libraries, playgrounds and swimming pools,” he said.
“If you witness vandalism on any of these properties, your first step is to report the incident to your local police station.
“If a conviction is made against the offender, you will be eligible to apply for Council’s reward program.”
For more information about Council’s Vandalism Reward Program visit
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Council is offering up to $2500 reward for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of a graffiti vandal.

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