Tuesday 6 August 2019

Mount Druitt Police Station Opens - News Local - But Missing 'Olivia' In Attendance....

People that are forgotten are  not well recognised, sometimes.

What do I mean, simply that the former opposition Liberal candidate Olivia Skadiang (formerly Lloyd), had fought hard with the then Premier of NSW, Michael Baird to  request an upgrade of Mount Druitt Police Station. I believe the press release she had wasn't received very well or at all. Yet to get a NSW premier to agree to an upgrade of a Police Station, in a Labor area was unheard of, especially to me. I see she wasn't invited to the this opening event.....

I actually couldn't believe it how Olivia had got this for the our area. I notice in the press release fro m News Local - there is no mention of NSW State Member of Mount Druitt, Hon. Edmond Atalla's attendance at event. Knowing him, he would have been there as he was advocating for the upgrade prior to his election into NSW State Parliament.

 Click here for details

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