Sunday 5 August 2018

Solution Required For Shopping Trolleys Clogging Mount Druitt Bus Interchange

Whilst using Mount Druitt Bus Interchange in its congested situation, the walkway at the bus stops seem to be clogged up with trolleys. This is because shoppers after shopping are placing their bags in shopping trolleys and exiting through Dawson Mall, Dumping empty trolleys in bus stops at the bus interchange. Something has to be done about this.

In the peak hour this is a nuisance and  is disruptive to all commuters. 

A suggestion would be to have trolley stations, along North Parade Mount Druitt, left  for picking up or  have them set up in between Mount Druitt Bus Interchange and the Back Dock of Best and Less, Westfield Mount Druitt. Plenty of signage must be displayed along  and towards the Mount Druitt Bus Interchange side. What would your suggestions be for this improvement?


Anonymous said...

To start with, taking the trolleys away from the shopping precinct is theft, a solution would be to have a locking device on the wheels, &/or coin or token locking mechanism. Council pick them up & sell them for scrap metal or Council pick them up off the streets, creeks & public spaces then charge a fee back to the retailers on collection. In the end it is the consumer that pays for it one way or another.
Ronald Bright

Unknown said...

People will still dump them anywhere if it means missing or not missing their bus. If you remember my suggestion some years back already complete with graphic illustrations , placing railings from the second post to the last post of every bay leaving the front section open would resolve this issue to an acceptable outcome , thus allowing the trolleys to rest upon the railings out of the path way of pedestrians and also preventing the accidental rolling of trolleys or children in strollers out in front of buses thus preventing the possibility of an unwanted tragic accident . To date, only good fortune is the only reason it has not happen already. Which official will take responsibility and all that goes with it should the above occur ?