Wednesday 7 March 2018

Blacktown City Council - Media Release - Adopt A Pet And Change A Life

Media release

7 March 2018

Mayor of Blacktown City Stephen Bali is encouraging animal lovers to adopt a pet from the Council’s Animal Holding Facility.

Now the cat breeding season is well under way, Mayor Bali said there were a number of cats and kittens needing homes.
“The number of cats coming into the AHF always increases at this time of year because their main breeding season runs from November to March,” he said.

“We have about 20 cats and kittens ready for adoption right now, and there are more waiting in the wings to take their place.

“I urge people thinking of getting a pet to seriously consider adopting from our Animal Holding Facility.”
As well as cats and kittens, a litter of puppies is also ready for adoption.

“Those choosing to take the step and adopt a four-legged friend will be spoilt for choice with the wide range of pets currently up for adoption,” Mayor Bali said.

“But before coming in, we want you to be prepared to take care of the animal you decide to take home.”

Mayor Bali said choosing to adopt a pet from the AHF is the ideal way to bring a furry friend into the family.

“Not only will you get that fantastic feeling of knowing you have given an animal a new lease of life, but adopting a pet from the AHF will cost less than purchasing one from a pet shop or a breeder.

“All animals for adoption at the AHF are available at very reasonable rates and all come with the complete package: they’re desexed, vaccinated, vet health checked, microchipped and lifetime registered.

“In addition, many come already trained and used to living with families, so you know you’ll get a happy, healthy pet.”
Michelle Davis adopted a cat from the AHF recently and said she was thrilled with her decision.

“We adopted ‘Tom’ after seeing his photo on the Facebook page and falling in love with him,” she said.

“We changed his name to Archibald Francis, aka Archie, and he is such a little cutie!

“From the minute we brought him home he was so confident and sure of himself. He didn’t waste any time walking around our house and sussing out his spots.

“He’s doing wonderfully and he is a very happy cat.”

Description: Description: I:\CEPR\1. Communications\1. Communications\Photographs\AHF\180301 Adopt a pet Mayor Bali\Mayor Bali Ildika and puppies 180301.JPG

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